Our company story begun with a vision: To make energy infrastructure an investable sector for Swiss pension funds. More than 180 Swiss pension funds have since opted in, creating the country’s largest investment group focused on energy infrastructure.
More than a decade later, we have expanded our investment activities globally. Alongside CHF 7 billion under management, we have an extensive industry network, broad transaction experience and partnerships with leading industry and public entities, allowing us to create exceptional long-term value for our clients.
After years as a trusted advisor to the energy industry, Roland Dörig founded Energy Infrastructure Partners as a joint venture with Credit Suisse in 2014. Ten years later, we operate as a fully independent investment company owned by our management and team.
Over the years, we have built an unparalleled track record as a trusted and specialized investor working in close partnership with leading energy companies and the public sector. From the beginning we have invested exclusively in prime energy assets that support decarbonization efforts and enhance the security of the energy supply – infrastructure critical to the energy transition.
With licenses as a manager of collective assets from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxembourg’s financial supervisor, we offer our clients holistic service, from investment to fund management.
Our values and investment approach build the core of our logo. While the shield represents the resilience and defensive nature of energy infrastructure, the spear symbolizes the active management of risks and sustainability factors, thus creating long-lasting value for our investors. We are proud of our Swiss roots and values such as stability, independence, reliability and work ethic.
We follow in the footsteps of the achievements of Alfred Escher, a prominent Swiss figure of the 19th century. He is credited as the founder of modern infrastructure in Switzerland for his role in linking Northern and Southern Europe through the Gotthard tunnel. Escher’s vision made infrastructure development a political and economic priority, leading to the founding of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and Schweizerische Kreditanstalt.