
Energy Transition Investment Solutions

Energy Transition Investment Solutions
Energy Transition Infrastructure Feeder


The information related to this fund is exclusively intended for Swiss professional and Swiss institutional investors in Switzerland. The fund is not registered with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). In Singapore, this information has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and is only intended for institutional investors (as defined in section 304 of the Securities and Futures Act, chapter 289 (The SFA). The fund is not registered as a “restricted scheme” and is not available to accredited investors and certain other persons defined in section 305 of the SFA. In Israel, this information is exclusively intended for “Qualified Clients” as per the Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Investment Portfolio Management Law, 5755 1995, who also qualify as “Qualified Investors” as per Securities Law, 1968. This information is not intended for US persons, nor retail

Energy Transition Infrastructure Master Fund


The information related to this fund is exclusively intended for professional investors within the meaning of Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in the EU/EEA countries, where the fund has been registered for distribution under article 32 of AIFMD: Germany and Finland. This information is only intended for Swiss professional and Swiss institutional investors in Switzerland. The fund is not registered with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). In Israel, this information is exclusively intended for “Qualified Clients” as per the Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Investment Portfolio Management Law, 5755 1995, who also qualify as “Qualified Investors” as per Securities Law, 1968. This information is not intended for US persons, nor retail investors.

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