Luxembourg – Investor Information

In 2022 EIP made a strategic growth step with securing authorization from Luxembourg’s financial supervisor (CSSF) to operate as an AIFM to lead the way towards a secure global energy future.
Luxembourg Domiciled Vehicles – Investor Rights

Please find a summary of your investor rights in the EU/EEA countries, where the Fund is registered for distribution,
related to the Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment

1 – Entitlement to make an individual complaint

a) Liaising with Energy Infrastructure Partners (EIP) Luxembourg SARL

As an Investor in the Fund managed by EIP Luxembourg SARL as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), you are
entitled to make a complaint free of charge in your language. Any such complaint must be handled by the AIFM promptly
and effectively.

You will be able to provide us with your detailed complaint either:

  • in paper form at Energy Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg SARL, 7, avenue du Swing, L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette,
    Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • per email at

b) Out-of court complaint resolution with the CSSF

If after discussing with us, you still wish to proceed with an out of court complaint resolution, you may file your
complaint with the CSSF only when it relates to a Luxembourg supervised entity,
meaning Energy Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg SARL authorised as an AIFM in Luxembourg under the Luxembourg Law of
12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers.

c) Out-of court complaint resolution related to a financial service provider in your country

If your complaint relates to a financial service provider in your country of residence, such as a bank, an insurance
company, an investment firm (e.g. a portfolio manager, an investment adviser …), you must first address your complaint
to this financial service provider.

If after discussing with this entity, you still wish to proceed with an out of court complaint resolution, you may file
a complaint directly to the appropriate Ombudsman of your country for the specific type of intermediary.

Please find the main Ombudsman (or equivalent) in your country (not exhaustive list). Please verify that the entity for
which you have a complaint is a member of this Ombudsman.

Country Name Types of intermediaries Contact Website Languages
Austria Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry


Mortgage banks, payment institutions, investment providers, most banks, most credit unions German, English
Arbitration board for consumer businesses Mortgage intermediaries, Insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, investment
intermediaries, pension intermediaries, some banks, some mortgage banks, some credit unions, some
investment providers, some pension providers German
Belgium Ombudsfin Banks, mortgage banks, credit unions, investment providers, investment intermediaries,
securities intermediaries Dutch, French, English, German
Insurance Ombudsman Insurance companies, some mortgage intermediaries, some pension intermediaries Dutch, French, English, German


Denmark Ankenævnet for Fondsmæglerselskaber (Complaint Board of Danish Securities and Brokering
Most investment intermediaries. Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian
Det finansielle ankenævn

Danish financial complaint board

Banks, mortgage institutions and investment funds. Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian
Ankenævnet for Forsikring

Danish Insurance Complaints Board

Insurance companies, most pension providers. Danish, English
Finland Sijoituslautakunta

Investments Complaints Board

Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, securities intermediaries, most investment
providers, most investment intermediaries. Finnish, Swedish, English

Consumer Disputes Board

Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions, insurance companies,
insurance intermediaries, some investment providers, some investment intermediaries, some pension
providers, some pension intermediaries. Finnish, Swedish, English

Finnish Banking Complaints Board

Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions. Finnish, Swedish, English

Finnish Insurance Complaints Board

Insurance companies, most insurance intermediaries, most pension providers, most pension
intermediaries. Finnish, Swedish, English
France AMF Ombudsman Investment providers, most investment intermediaries, most securities intermediaries, some
pension providers
On AMF website, go to Ombudsman / Médiateur, Access Form French, English
Mediator of the French Association of Specialised Finance Companies Most credit unions, some banks, some mortgage banks French, English
Insurance Mediator Insurance companies, some credit unions, some insurance intermediaries, some pension
providers French, English
Germany Real Asset Investment Arbitration Board Alternative investment fund managers (AIFM), providers of closed-end funds, trust companies,
alternative investment funds, closed-end funds German, English
Ombudsman of German Cooperative Banks Most banks, some mortgage banks German, English
German Savings Banks Association Only German savings banks German, English


Ombudsman of German Public Sector Banks Some banks German, English, French


Ombudsman Scheme of the Private Commercial Banks Most banks, most mortgage banks German, any other language agreed on by the customer and bank


Ombudsman Private Health and Long-term Care Insurance Some insurance companies Complaints can be sent via internet by filling in a specific form. German
Ombudsman Scheme for Investment Funds Some investment providers, some banks and some depositaries


German,  English
Arbitration Board at the Deutsche Bundesbank Mortgage intermediaries, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities
intermediaries, some banks, some mortgage banks, some credit unions German
Arbitration Board at BaFin All institutions under supervision of BaFin German
Insurance Ombudsman Insurance companies, insurance intermediaries German, English, French


Iceland Úrskurðarnefnd um viðskipti við fjármálafyrirtæki

Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms

Banks, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities intermediaries, payment
services providers. Icelandic, English
Úrskurðarnefnd í vátryggingamálum

Insurance Complaints Committee

Insurance companies Icelandic, English
Ireland Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman

An tOmbudsman Sheirbhísí Airgeadais agus Pinsean


Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions, insurance companies,
insurance intermediaries, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities intermediaries,
some pension providers, some pension intermediaries. English, Irish
Italy ACF – Securities and Financial Ombudsman Banks, credit unions, some insurance companies, some investment providers, most investment
intermediaries, most securities intermediaries, depositaries Italian, English
Banking Ombudsman Banks, investment providers, investment intermediaries Italian, French, English, Spanish


IVASS – Insurance Supervisory Authority Insurance companies, insurance intermediaries. Italian, English
ABF – Banking and Financial Ombudsman Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions, payment institutions,
electronic money institutions, Poste Italiane S.p.A. Italian, English
Luxembourg Commission de

Surveillance du Secteur Financier – CSSF

Banks, mortgage banks, investment providers, investment intermediaries French, German, English
The Netherlands Financial Services Complaints Institute Banks, insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, most mortgage banks, most mortgage
intermediaries, most credit unions, some investment providers, some investment intermediaries, some
pension intermediaries, some securities intermediaries English
Norway Norwegian Financial Services Complaints Board Banks, mortgage banks, insurance companies, most pension providers, some investment
providers. Norwegian, English
Portugal Comissão do Mercado dos Valores Mobiliários – CMVM


(Portuguese Securities Market Commission)

Banks, credit unions, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities
intermediaries, most insurance companies


Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa

(Lisbon Arbitration Centre for Consumer Conflicts)

Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions, insurance companies,
insurance intermediaries, some investment providers, some investment intermediaries
director@centroarbitra PortugueseEnglish, Spanish, French
Spain Oficina de Atención al Inversor – Dirección de Inversores de la CNMV


(Investor Assistance Office – Investors Division of the CNMV)

Banks, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities intermediaries Serviciodereclamacion dice.aspx Spanish, English
Servicio de Reclamaciones de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones – DGSFP

(Complaints Service of the Directorate – General of Insurance and Pension Funds)

Insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, pension providers, pension intermediaries Spanish
Departamento de Conducta de Entidades (Banco de España)

(Institutions’ Conduct Department of the Banco de España)

Banks, savings banks, credit co-operatives, payment institutions and some others Spanish, English
Sweden Allmänna reklamationsnämnden (ARN)

National Board for Consumer Disputes

Banks, mortgage banks, mortgage intermediaries, credit unions, insurance companies,
insurance intermediaries, investment providers, investment intermediaries, pension providers, pension
intermediaries, securities intermediaries. Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and, in principle, English

d) Liaising with FIN-NET

If you have a cross-border complaint related to financial service provider, such as a bank, an insurance company, an
investment firm located in another EU/EEA country than yours, you may either:

  • Contact the local Ombudsman at that country (please refer to the table above) or
  • Place your complaint via FIN-NET, which is an EU network of national organisations, responsible for settling
    consumers complaints in the area of financial services out-of-court and complying with the principles set out
    in Directive
    2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Summary of the information with FIN-NET:

The FIN-NET form for cross-border complaints are available in the following languages: English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish,  at

The FIN-NET member will tell you whether they are able to resolve your problem or may refer you to another organisation
that can help you. You may be asked for additional information to assess your case properly. Most FIN-NET members can
help you free of charge or at a low cost. They usually reach an outcome within 90 days.

2 – Collective Redress Mechanism

a) For collective litigation – at EU level

The applicable rules for collective action for litigation at European level are detailed in the Directive (EU)
(dated 25 November 2020).

Please find a short summary of your rights foreseen:

  • Domestic or cross border representative actions to defend the collective interests of consumer in cases of mass
    harm can be taken by non-profit based qualified entities (e.g. consumer organisations or independent public
  • Qualified entities can seek at least 2 types of measures for investor protection: injunctive and redress;
  • Penalties under the form of fines, for non-compliance with decisions issued within the representative action
    will be set out by each Member State;
  • Depending on the circumstances of the cases (e.g. interim or definitive measures to stop and prohibit a trader’s
    practice or to eliminate the continuing effects of the infringement), the qualified entities may be able to
    bring representative actions seeking different types of measures as appropriate.


b) For collective litigation – at country level

A collective redress mechanism, as required under Directive (EU) 2020/1828 on representative actions for the protection
of the collective interests of consumers, are available at national level for the following countries:

Denmark Act on access to the initiation of class actions for the protection of consumers collective
interests of 18 April 2023




Act on Representative Actions for Injunctive Measures (1101/2022) of 20 December 2022


Italy Transposition of Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
25 November 2020 on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
and repealing Directive 2009/22/EC of 10 March 2023
Netherlands Act of 2 November 2022 amending Book 3 of the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure in
connection with the transposition of Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 25 November 2020 on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of
consumers, and repealing Directive 2009/22/EC (OJ L 2020, 409) (Act implementing Directive on consumer
representative actions)

More information will be provided for the other EU countries when the Directive (EU) 2020/1828 has been implemented.

Important information

It should be noted that this summary addresses rights conferred on Investors under the applicable legislation governing
the operation of the Fund(s) in which you are invested.

You may also be afforded rights under other legislation or regulatory frameworks which are not addressed above.

Data Protection Notice

Please click here to read the Luxembourg Data Protection Notice

Introduction to Sustainability-Related Disclosures

Energy Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg S.à r.l. Sustainability disclosures 

Energy Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg S.à r.l. (“EIP Luxembourg”) is authorized to act as an alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) within the meaning of Chapter II of the Luxembourg Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers. 

Transparency is important to us 

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (the “SFDR”), EIP Luxembourg qualifies as a financial market participant in accordance with the SFDR and is therefore required to provide transparency with respect to the following at entity level: 

  • Article 3 SFDR – Sustainability risk policies 
  • Article 4 SFDR – Adverse sustainability impacts at entity level 
  • Article 5 SFDR – Remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks 

Further transparency requirements apply to the managed investment funds and are included below. 

Regardless of the transparency requirements, sustainability considerations are key to EIP Luxembourg and, hence, integrated in its operations. It is EIP Luxembourg’s conviction that investors, as long-term stakeholders, benefit when investments operate their businesses responsibly. Sustainability risks or adverse sustainability impacts can not only harm the investment and its stakeholders, but also expose investments to material risks that can materialize in different ways affecting the activities and the value of the investment. 

On the other hand, robust sustainability and ESG practices can be important value drivers. 

Transparency of sustainability risk policies (Art. 3 SFDR)

As per SFDR, sustainability risks are defined as environmental, social and governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of an investment.  

EIP Luxembourg established a Sustainability Risk Policy to integrate sustainability factors and risks into its investment decision-making process. This policy also defines the management and monitoring principles of such risks to establish the necessary risk control. 

EIP Luxembourg has delegated the portfolio management function to Energy Infrastructure Partners AG which has robust in-house ESG and sustainability expertise. The delegated portfolio manager shall be responsible for the investment decision-making process and the consideration of sustainability risks. Sustainability risks deemed relevant shall be integrated within the due diligence and investment decision-making process and, subsequently, during the asset management phase in accordance with EIP Luxembourg’s Sustainability Risk Policy, which, inter alia, refers to SFDR requirements. 

EIP Luxembourg will monitor the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process as part of the due diligence and ongoing monitoring of the delegated portfolio manager and managed funds. 

Transparency of adverse sustainability impacts – No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors at entity level (Art. 4 SFDR)

This statement describes Energy Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg S.à r.l. decision with respect to the requirements of article 4 (1) SFDR regarding the consideration of principal adverse impacts (hereinafter “PAIs”) of investment decisions on sustainability factors. 

Transparency of remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks (Art. 5 SFDR)

EIP Luxembourg ensures that it adopts remuneration policies and procedures which are consistent with the integration of sustainability risks, to the extent sustainability risks are integrated into the investment decision-making process. 

EIP Luxembourg remuneration structures do not encourage excessive risk-taking with respect to sustainability risks and remuneration is limited to risk adjusted performance. 

Transparency of the promotion of environmental or social characteristics for EIP Luxembourg managed funds (Art. 10 SFDR)

SFDR article 8 funds managed by EIP Luxembourg promote environmental characteristics as they intend to positively contribute to energy transition, mitigate climate change and/or related environmental challenges. These funds invest in technologies and assets that support the transition to a more decarbonized future and contribute to energy security of supply. 

For investors, please find here the full sustainability-related disclosures required for Article 8 financial products:

Notices regarding the EIP fund offering

We would like to inform you that the EIP (Lux) SICAV-SIF has been de-registered for the marketing registrations in the following countries, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.