Our entire organization has been purpose-built to invest in the infrastructure asset class and in areas of the energy sector that make essential contributions to megatrends shaping the industry: electrification, decarbonization and security.
A key piece of efforts decarbonize energy systems while ensuring an abundant energy supply, these assets include onshore and offshore wind, solar and hydropower plants
Increase in renewables penetration until 20501
Covering everything from electric vehicle charging stations to pumped-storage hydropower plants, these assets help save energy for when it’s needed and keep the system in balance
Increase in flexibility requirements of European energy system until 20502
These assets keep energy in motion through grids, networks and pipelines, ensuring that supply matches demand in as part of an increasingly complex and decentralized system
Increase in power grid size
until 20503
The electrification of society and booming demand for power. The push to decarbonize energy systems. The increasing focus on energy independence and security; Investing in the energy transition is a massive opportunity that commands our entire focus. Our dedication and approach gives our investors access to private infrastructure investment opportunities connected with some of to the largest opportunities in a generation.
Why Energy infrastructureWith our foundation in Switzerland and Europe, we invest around the world in highly developed, investment-grade countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD.