
Investing in the energy transition

A leading investor in the global energy transition, Energy Infrastructure Partners manages CHF 7bn for institutional investors. With more than a decade of experience and three fund generations, we offer investors long-term returns and the chance to make tangible contributions to the energy transition through private equity investments.

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Our portfolio

From system-critical power grids to all types of renewable generation technology, we invest in companies that ensure the security of the energy supply and make tangible contributions to decarbonization efforts.

Boralex France - desktop Boralex France - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure

Boralex France

Boralex France is the third-largest wind power supplier in France – and the largest private player overall – with more than 70 strategically positioned wind and solar plants.

Renewables France 2022
Nysäter - desktop Nysäter - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure


Set in one of the windiest onshore locations in Europe, this landmark project is a critical pillar in Sweden’s ambitions to transform the northern part of the country into a hub for Europe’s energy transition.

Renewables Sweden 2018
Arkona - desktop Arkona - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure


Part of Germany’s highly attractive feed-in tariff regime, Arkona is a fully operational 378 megawatts offshore wind park located 35 kilometers northeast of Rügen, an island in the German Baltic Sea.

Renewables Germany 2019
Sunscreen - desktop Sunscreen - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure


An integrated platform of mid-sized photovoltaic assets operating under attractive regulations in some of Europe’s sunniest regions.

Renewables Italy 2018
Alpiq - desktop Alpiq - mobile

Swiss Energy Infrastructure


One of Switzerland’s three system-critical utilities, Alpiq operates one of the most impressive hydropower portfolios in Europe as an anchor at the heart of the continent’s energy system

System flexibility Switzerland 2019
Mirror - desktop Mirror - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure


Operating under highly attractive Spanish regulations, Mirror is a portfolio of solar power plants in one of the sunniest regions of Europe.

Renewables Spain 2019
Transitgas - desktop Transitgas - mobile

Swiss Energy Infrastructure


A gas transmission pipeline connecting Europe’s three largest economies – Germany, France and Italy – and providing a critical balancing route for traders managing the European gas supply.

Transmission Switzerland 2016
Plenitude - desktop Plenitude - mobile

renewable energy generation assets


Plenitude’s business model combines renewable energy generation assets, retail services for homes and businesses and charging points for electric vehicles into a diversified platform spanning the entire energy value chain.

2024 Renewables Global
Wikinger - desktop Wikinger - mobile

Offshore wind farm


An offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea that produces clean, carbon-free electricity under Germany’s feed-in tariff regime, contributing to the country’s green energy ambitions.

Renewables Germany 2022
Repsol Renovables - desktop Repsol Renovables - mobile

European Energy Infrastructure

Repsol Renovables

The global renewables arm of Repsol, the Spanish oil and gas giant with nearly 100 years of history in the energy industry.

Renewables Global 2022

Partnering with the best

With a tight focus on energy infrastructure, Energy Infrastructure Partners has deep connections across the global energy industry. This network gives us access to unique opportunities to partner with leading companies worldwide.


Why energy infrastructure?

Historic investment opportunity

Our investment strategy is based on global macro trends such as decarbonization, electrification, aging infrastructure and energy security, thus resulting in a sustainable, long-term financial opportunity.

Benefit as an investor

As an investor in energy infrastructure, you can rely on long-term, stable cash flows, inflation protection, and partially regulated returns.*

Build a sustainable future

The energy transition is a swiftly advancing global trend, and we are at the frontier of a new age of energy infrastructure investments. In 2022, our managed assets produced enough renewable energy to power more than one million European households.

*Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Stability is key

Energy infrastructure assets sustained extraordinary long term performance for a moderate risk, a testimony of defensive supply-critical attributes in an economy performing energy transition.

Global energy infrastructure private equity, EUR
60/40 strategy (Global equities/Euro bonds), EUR
Global infrastructure private equity, EUR
Global private equity, EUR
Global infrastructure private debt, EUR
Global private real estate, EUR
Global listed equities, EUR


EIP managed funds do not follow any benchmark; indices are only represented here for illustrative purposes.
Indices are total return, expressed in EUR and net of fees, all constructed by EIP out of several sources.
Global energy infrastructure private equity, Global infrastructure private equity and Global infrastructure private debt are derived from the Scientific Infra series, to which we applied a 2.5% p.a. TER as a generic assumption for holding costs, management fees and performance fees. Those indices are calculated, not contributed, to make their volatility comparable to public market instruments and avoid stale pricing and auto-correlation bias of contributed indices. For more information: Strategic Asset Allocation with Unlisted Infrastructure, EDHECinfra Use Case Series 2021 (February).
Global listed equities are derived from MSCI ACWI (via Bloomberg), converted into EUR and to which we apply a 0.2% p.a. TER as a generic assumption.
60/40 strategy is calculated based on 60% of Global listed equities and 40% of the Bloomberg EUR aggregate bond market (to which we applied a 0.2% TER p.a.), which we rebalance on a monthly basis.
Global private equity (buyouts) and Global private real estate are derived from Bloomberg Private Equity indices, which we converted into EUR. Those indices are contributed (i.e. appraisal-based whereby a valuation agent determines the NAV of the fund), which may come with stale pricing and auto correlation bias leading to “smoothed” returns compared to other market indices (or even Edhec-derived indices).


Annualized total return Annualized (TR) volatility Sharpe ratio
3 year 5 year 10 year 3 year 5 year 10 year 3 year 5 year 10 year
Global energy infrastructure private equity, EUR 14.1 % 13.2 % 14.3 % 11.1 % 11.0 % 10.5 % 1.19 1.17 1.35
Global infrastructure private equity, EUR 8.6 % 6.6 % 7.9 % 12.0 % 11.0 % 9.5 % 0.65 0.57 0.82
Global infrastructure private debt, EUR (4.7 %) (1.9 %) 0.2 % 6.5 % 5.7 % 5.4 % (0.86) (0.39) 0.02
Global listed equities, EUR 10.0 % 8.8 % 9.3 % 13.8 % 15.4 % 13.0 % 0.66 0.55 0.71
60/40 strategy (Global equities/Euro bonds), EUR 3.1 % 4.5 % 5.8 % 10.1 % 10.6 % 8.8 % 0.22 0.39 0.65
Global private equity, EUR 20.40 % 16 % 16.60 % 9.20 % 9.40 % 8.90 % 2.11 1.66 1.85
Global private real estate, EUR 13.50 % 10.10 % 12.00 % 13.30 % 11.40 % 10.90 % 0.95 0.86 1.1


Metrics are calculated on monthly data from 31 March 2009 to 31 October 2023; except for Global private equity and Global private real estate, where calculations are on quarterly data (31 March 2009 to 30 June 2023).
Sharpe ratios are a risk-adjusted measure calculated as the ratio of excess return (for a given period, annualized total return of the index less annualized total return of the Euribor 3 months) to standard deviation of the index total return (as presented in the previous column as annualized volatility).
Total return volatility is the standard deviation of the monthly total returns of an index, annualized by multiplying by √12.
Given their smoothed nature, the fundamental volatility of Global private equity and Global private real estate is expected to be significantly higher than the calculated metric, and the Sharpe ratio materially lower.

About us

About us

Sector specialists

We are an independent, founder-owned asset manager with an exclusive focus on energy infrastructure and a long investment horizon.

Proprietary deal flow

Our industry focus and exclusive origination activities enable long-term partnerships, which lead to proprietary investment opportunities for our stakeholders.

Active value creation

Through our dedicated operational teams and collaborative partnership approach, we create value for our investors and industry partners by supporting their individual growth strategies.

The right people and values

We are powered by an exceptional team of entrepreneurial, purpose driven individuals. Every one of them is committed to building a decarbonized, secure energy supply while continuously focusing on sustainable returns for our investors and their beneficiaries.

Our contribution to a decarbonized future

Our contribution to a decarbonized future


Terawatt hours of renewable energy produced in 2023 overall


avoided tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in 2023 through the production of renewable energy overall

Videos: Inside the portfolio

ELECTRA: Revolutionizing electric vehicle charging

Swissgrid: The backbone of electricity supply

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The presented companies are provided for illustrative purposes only in order to showcase the past activity of EIP. This website is not a marketing communication/advertising/financial promotion related to any fund, securities,financial instruments or any financial services or products. Please contact our team if you wish to obtain further information.  

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The presented companies are provided for illustrative purposes only in order to showcase the past activity of EIP. This website is not a marketing communication/advertising/financial promotion related to any fund, securities,financial instruments or any financial services or products. Please contact our team if you wish to obtain further information.